Quick learn

Case 1. You are already a GMT user

So you already know GMT and how to consult the GMT manual pages. Then the easiest way to start is to use the option letters and options arguments as strings. Since (nearly) all base modules received a wrapper you would call pscoast (or its alias coast) like this:

coast(R="-10/0/35/45", J="M15c", B="afg", W="0.5p", show=true)

but what if you need to make a map with some data, a grid for example. Simple, give it as a first argument as in:

grdimage("@earth_relief_20m", J="R15c", B="a", show=true)

This will compute a cpt under the hood and use it. But what if you want to use another cpt? Also simple, just make one and use it in the above command. i.e.:

CPT = makecpt(T="-10000/8000/1000");
grdimage("@earth_relief_20m", J="R15c", B="a", C=CPT, show=true)

The last command introduced a novelty in using the C option and that's where things start to be interesting. Instead of using a previously existing cpt file, e.g. a file called color.cpt and used it as C="color.cpt", we created a GMTcpt object that resides only in Julia memory space and passed it directly via the C option. The same could have been done if we had the earth_relief_20m grid in memory, which, for example sake, can be achieved by previously reading the grid file.

CPT = makecpt(T="-10000/8000/1000");
G = gmtread("@earth_relief_20m");
grdimage(G, J="R15c", B="a", C=CPT, show=true)

Though not particularly useful nor memory more efficient to read the grid first this example illustrates typical usage. That is, use GMT to process and map/plot data resident in Julia memory. GMT modules know how to manipulate import/create data stored in GMTgridGrid type, GMTimageImage type, GMTdatasetDataset type, GMTcptCPT type and GMTpsPostscript type objects. The helper functions mat2grid, mat2img and mat2ds exist to allow creating those objects from 2D arrays of floats, uint8, uint16 and MxN matrices respectively.

Example: create three grids with random data, compute their average and display it

G1 = mat2grid(rand(128,128));
G2 = mat2grid(rand(128,128));
G3 = mat2grid(rand(128,128));
Gavg = (G1 .+ G2 .+ G3) ./ 3;

Here we introduced also the use of a module that does not exist in GMT, imshow, but one that is in fact a mockup made with grdimage, grdview, plot and plot3d and with a set of defaults and guesswork that allows quick and easy display of grids and images. It also opens the door for a more vast ensemble of tools that go beyond the use of pure GMT syntax.

Case 2. You are a new GMT user or one that wants to use long verbose options

The GMT terse syntax is extremely versatile but also more cryptical and less on the likes of current times where explicit is better. So all of the one letter options in GMT modules were given an alias as well as many of its arguments. But there are so many of them (options + sub-options) that this raises a problem of documentation. Some modules have received an adapted version of the GMT official documentation but this is such a huge task that many modules do not have one yet. Most modules have a on-line help (type ? prog_name) that maps the one letter option to its aliases (there often more than one alias). This still leaves, however, the issue of how the sub-options have been expanded. This has been addressed for the modules that have so far a Julia manual, but not for all the others. For those, the recommended way is to use the helper program gmthelp. It lists the mapping between the options aliases (and, for some, the sub-options) and the GMT syntax. Let's, see the example of the plot (psxy) module

    Option: R, or region, or limits => GMTgrid | NamedTuple |Tuple | Array | String
    Option: J, or proj, or projection => NamedTuple | String
    Option: B, or frame, or axes, or xaxis, or yaxis, or zaxis, or axis2, or xaxis2, or yaxis2 => NamedTuple | String
    Option: a, or e, or f, or g, or l, or p, or t, or params => (Common options)
    Option: D, or shift, or offset => Tuple | String | Number | Bool [Possibly not yet expanded]
    Option: I, or intens => Tuple | String | Number | Bool [Possibly not yet expanded]
    Option: N, or no_clip, or noclip => Tuple | String | Number | Bool [Possibly not yet expanded]
    Option: A, or steps, or straight_lines => (x=?(x), y=?(y), meridian=?(m), parallel=?(p), )
    Option: F, or conn, or connection => (continuous=?(c), net=?(n), network=?(n), refpoint=?(r), ignore_hdr=Any(a), single_group=Any(f), segments=Any(s), segments_reset=Any(r), anchor=?(), )
    Option: C, or color, or cmap => GMTcpt | Tuple | Array | String | Number
    Option: G, or fill => NamedTuple | Tuple | Array | String | Number
    Option: G, or markerfacecolor, or MarkerFaceColor, or mc => NamedTuple | Tuple | Array | String | Number
    Option: L, or close, or polygon => (left=Any(+xl), right=Any(+xr), x0=?(+x), bot=Any(+yb), top=Any(+yt), y0=?(+y), sym=Any(+d), asym=Any(+D), envelope=Any(+b), pen=?(+p), )
    Option: W, or pen => NamedTuple | Tuple | String | Number
    Option: S, or symbol => (symb=?(1), size=?(), unit=?(1), )

Let's look for example at option C that is called color or cmap in the expanded form. It can take as argument a GMTcpt argument (the example above), or a Tuple with the three (R,G,B) color elements with values between 0 and 255, or in a Array form [R, G, B], or a String (e.g. color="color.cpt", or color="red"), or as a Number (color=200).

Let's also look at the L or close or polygon option. It says that this option can be expanded in form a named tuple with keys like bot, top, x0, etc... (they describe how to connect first and last point). The Any in sub-options like bot=Any(+yb) informs that Anything will do and the (+yb) is the GMT terse syntax modifier. This info is useful when one needs to consult the pure GMT documentation. On the other hand when we see pen=?(+p) the ? means that one have to give the required info. So, for example polygon=(bot=true, pen=(1, :red)) means "close the poly-line trough ymin and outline it with a red pen with 1 point thickness"

Other options end with (Common options). This means they are options common to all GMT programs and that, for the ones that are currently implemented, one can do

    Option: b, or binary => (ncols=?(), type=?(), swapp_bytes=Any(w), little_endian=Any(+l), big_endian=?(+b), )

but for many we still get

    Option: i, or incol => (Common option not yet expanded)

meaning we must use the terse syntax arguments in form of strings. e.g. incol="0,2" to read only first and third column of input data.

Still other options end with [Possibly not yet expanded]. It means that sub-options have not yet received aliases so you must use either arguments in string form or in Tuple form in case the input is numeric and GMT expects numbers separated by slashes. For example (invented option) shift=(1,2) will translate to s1/2

The plot command is hugely vast, so a series of avatars have been derived from it. Namely, lines, specialized in plotting lines only; scater & scater3 for scatter plots; bar & bar3, for bar plots, arrows for drawing arrows; plot3, ternary, plotyy. They all share the same argument syntax that mimics in many cases the matplotlib syntax with also many Matlab synonyms.


# A Scatter plot
scatter(rand(100),rand(100), markersize=rand(100), marker=:c, color=:ocean,
        zcolor=rand(100), alpha=50, Y=4, title="Scatter", show=true)
# Colored bar plot
bar(rand(15), color=:rainbow, figsize=(14,8), title="Colored bars", Y=3, show=true)
# Arrow
arrows([0.5 0.5 0 8], limits=(-0.1,3,0,2.5), figsize=(16,5), arrow=(len=2,stop=1,shape=0.5),
       pen=6, B="a WSrt", title="Arrow", show=true)
# Peaks 3D bars
G = GMT.peaks();    cmap = grd2cpt(G);      # Compute a colormap with the grid's data range
bar3(G, lw=:thinnest, color=cmap, figsize=14, Y=5, show=true)
# Contours
G = GMT.peaks();
grdcontour(G, color=makecpt(range=(-6,8,1)), pen="+c", region=(-3,3,-3,3), title="Contours", show=true)